Monday, March 14, 2011

Katy Perry, I Love You

Thursday night I trained it to Brussels, Belgium for the Katy Perry concert. Yes, this experience deserves a blog all it's own. I expected a lot from this concert and it delivered... and some. No words can express the appreciation I have for Katy Perry after this concert. It is obvious that a lot of effort goes into this performance and that she truly loves her fans. A fellow concert-goer threw a teddy bear on stage that said, "Can I get a meet and greet?". She poked fun at the guy for a minute, but then told security he was allowed backstage to meet her. She also pulled about 10 people out of the crowd to get on stage and dance. My only thoughts as this was happening was... If customs didn't still have that tutu my mom sent me and if I would've worn my Birthday shirt... I would have danced with Katy Perry. Regardless, where I was standing was an ideal spot. I was so close I could see her sweat. Gross to most people, but to me I thought it was amazing. It also helped that I was surrounded by 12 year-olds and I was about 4 inches taller than them.. except one amazon that managed to get in front of me. What are they feeding these kids?

I also learned that it's hard to take videos at a Katy Perry concert because dancing and filming just don't go hand in hand. It doesn't matter how are you try, you have to dance to her music. It is contagious. I'm sure I embarrassed myself on multiple occasions by mimicking the dance moves in her music videos and heinously singing all of her songs. Sorry to the people around me, but I was having a great time.

On a more disturbing note. The theater was VERY hot. I turned around to a girl bumping into me, which turned into her falling into me. She was overheating and I managed to catch her before she hit the ground, but dead weight is so heavy that I ended up on the ground holding her. My friends Morgan and Helen saw this happened and immediately started calling for help. Meanwhile, this girl starts convulsing in my arms. I worked in a doctor's office for 3 years and completely blanked. What really frustrated me was that there were three grown men standing nearby watching everything happen and didn't bother to help us get her out of there. Finally, Helen threw water on the girl's face and she completely snapped out of everything. She got up and just ran off before any of us could help her. We found her later with the paramedics.. along with about seven other pre-teen Katy lovers.

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